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Majmu Al Fatwa Al Kubra L Free Book Utorrent Zip [mobi]


The book is a compilation of religious rulings (fatwas) and decrees (hukmu) from the various Islamic madhabs. It contains over 12,000 texts and was compiled by Al-Nawawi. ##Introductory paragraph: What is "Majmu Al Fatwa Al Kubra"? A Majmu’ (plural majāmi’) is a collection of several works or complete works on a single theme, such as ‘Majma al-bahrayn fi sharh al-aqa’id al-Syafiya'. Though not specifically defined in either the first Arabic dictionary, Kitab al-'Ayn by Sibawayhi (d. 150H) or the second, Kitab al-Qamus by al-Firuzabadi (d. 713H), majāmi’ is understood in most cases to be a collection of works on one particular theme. A majmu’ is different from a musnad in that it does not present the texts in order of strength of chains (isnād) but rather chooses whatever chain seems weaker than others and presents it at the start, then follows it with whatever seems stronger than it. Imam Nawawi compiled the "Majmu" as a resource book for those who seek Islamic legal rulings on issues that they face during their everyday life. It can serve as a resource for Islamic educators, muftis, judges, and anyone who seeks to know the rulings surrounding various issues. Imam Nawawi provides three reasons why people need this text: #1) It will help the reader understand the consensus (ijma) of the scholars because their legal opinions are scattered in books on jurisprudence and individual works. #2) It will provide access to the legal opinions of one's own school of thought (madhab), because many of its key works are not available in one single collection. #3) It will provide access to the legal opinions of other schools (madhhabs) such as the Maliki and the Hanafi, which are not represented in one single collection. ##Introductory Paragraph: How is it divided? The majmu is divided into two parts: "Fatawa" and "Hukm". The "Fatawa" contain legal rulings (fatwas) and decrees (hukm), while the "Hukm" cover issues like: inheritance, ijtihad, hadith criticism, etc. The fatawa range from everyday matters that any Muslim may encounter to important issues that cannot be ignored. The contents of the majmu are divided into two parts: Fatawa- Fatawa contain answers to questions that have been asked about Shariah. They deal with all different aspects of Shariah, such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, oaths, lawfulness of certain acts, usury (zakat), slavery (mohareem) and many more. Fatawa like the Fatwa of Imam Malik on menstruation are outdated and actually no longer used by most mujtahid scholars in their jurisprudence. However they still serve for an introduction on some issues to the new generation. cfa1e77820


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